Hello colleagues,
I recently found a tool that could make our life a bit less stressing, at least physically. In all those active years (22 already) working with a mouse I often had problems when ready on a day after 5,6 (or even more sometimes) hours clicking, double clicking and click & drag. Not serious injuries fortunately, but maybe I was just lucky, don't know.
BTW: Google research was telling me this: mouse clicks, it makes an average of 12 per minute, then 720 clicks per hour, in a work day based on 8 hours this total is around 5760 click.
Since I have spent many hours clicking and dragging in the Cubase controller lanes, this will be even much more.
Well, a few week ago there was a thread on the VI forum about an app (Windows only), called CoyoteMIDI. Having tried all kind of mouse replacing software and hardware (like the Huion tablet with pen) in the past, I was more than interested in this little piece of software. I was never happy eventually with all other stuff I tried out.
What does CoyoteMIDI do? It is a quite remarkable piece of software: they have made it possible to use your MIDI keyboard, nanocontroller, Joué-controller (and go on) as a source for regular desktop actions that we use on daily basis.
What about my setup at the moment? I have bought the PRO version of this product, only a little $30. Made so called 'translations' in the app that are linked to my XKey Air 25 USB keyboard. What does it do now actually?
If I hit
C3 on this keyboard it replaces: left mouse click, hitting this twice it replaces the dreaded double clicking
C#3: undo
D3: (a very important one for me): Click and drag (I have spent hours with this one already in Cubase)
E3: save
Specifically for Cubase:
G3: replaces the '1' key (for selecting tool)
A3: the '8' key (for writing tool)
What drives me insane often in Cubase is working in the Editor, Controller lane with 'always' the wrong tool coming out of my mouse, only to be repaired with a free finger pressing the right key, sigh.
Now it is all to be found within the range of a relaxed hand above 5 or 6 white keys of the USB keyboard. This is so stunningly relaxed!
Specifically for Samplitude:
F3 Fade out
F3#: save and close project (which can be a customized sample or track, whatever)
Man, with all the 4000 samples of a new product to be launched shortly I would have been a different person at the end of all those days with this software......
I am not affiliated with this very small company. The helpdesk is more than great, I once received a reply within 8 (!!) seconds. The man behind it is always very willing to help you with the scripts, needed for your favorite actions.
Since we are all working on this appealing software of Synchestra, I guess for hours a day sometimes, this tool can be a life saver for many of us, working on a score in Dorico, or making tracks in Cubase. It doesn't make any difference for this CoyoteMIDI. And don't we all have a redundant keyboard maybe somewhere?
The only possible drawback could be for composers that also need a real keyboard for their music input
You can't have both in this. So you'll need at least a free midi keyboard next to the CoyoteMIDI in use, or controller (Korg etc.).
Of course I am happy to help people here if needed. Just saying this to you: if you think this might help you to prevent serious injuries: give this one a try!
Erik Otte